Listings, fashion, life hacks, office temp, weather, technology, cookies, and the web.

A regal home has entered the market at a bargain price for someone.

Twitter, we agree with you. Hard pass.

Do you have any tricks to raising teens? This arrangement might be helpful.

We seriously doubt the validity of this method. What do you think? Mark Goebel 2007 Mark Goebel/flickr/2007

Speaking of hacks, we guess you could use vodka as a cleaning product, but it seems wasteful!

Thermal bubbles? We hesitate to get our hopes up.

This gives new meaning to icehouse.

The clouds in these pictures seem other worldly — take a look for yourself!

We wonder what the care instructions for this smart jacket will be.

Did you buy Girl Scout Cookies this year? #7 on this list rings true in our household!

How secure is your phone?

What does the man who invented the internet think of the state of the web?


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