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SCR News Feed:
NAR Legal: 3/27/25 Releases More FAQs and the New MLS Rules, CCP
1. Can a delayed marketing exempt listing be shown to potential buyers during the delayed marketing period? Yes, MLS Participants and Subscribers may arrange showings and tours of the property subject to the seller’s instructions. [...]
NAR Posts FAQs on the CCP MLS Updates Announced Today This information is only accurate as of 3/25/25. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 3/25/25 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info [...]
SCR Forms Policy 3/25/25
South Carolina Association of REALTORS® (SCR) Forms Policy Permitted users of SCR’s standard forms SCR standard forms should only be used by REALTOR® members of the South Carolina Association of Realtors®. Revisions to format/pre-printed language [...]
NAR Legal: News on MLS CCP Clear Cooperation Policy Updates Coming Soon
NAR Introduces New MLS Policy to Expand Choice for Consumers Today we are announcing the results of the National Association of REALTORS®’ thorough assessment of the Clear Cooperation Policy (“CCP”) and options to enhance consumers’ [...]