As you can imagine when the shoe is on the other foot and one of your seller clients starts interacting with other brokerages and agents (which is likely a seller breach of your listing agreement), there is risk for you all in this situation. So, be very careful. Call the hotline asap!

Maybe something like…

Thank you for contacting me.

Because you are likely in a legal agreement known as a listing agreement, always discuss these issues with your lawyer as soon as possible to ensure you are not breaching your legal agreement by talking to me or other brokerages or unilaterally terminating your listing agreement early.

Because you are in this listing agreement, my REALTOR® professionalism and code of ethics and even South Carolina law require me to be limited in what I can discuss with you.

I can only discuss providing my services to you in listing this property after the expiration date in your current listing agreement.
What is the current expiration date?
Can you provide me with a copy of your listing agreement?

I can discuss other real estate services for you such as buying real estate or renting other real estate or even listing another property that you own, if and only if you are currently in no other legal agreements with other brokerages regarding these other real estate services.

All that being said, you may want to start addressing the reasons that you want to terminate this listing agreement with your listing agent and their supervising Broker in Charge and team leader if a team is involved.

This information is only accurate as of 3/20/25. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 3/20/25 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or email byron at

This information is not legal advice. This information is intended only to provide general information and may not be relied upon as specific legal guidance. Legal counsel should always be consulted before acting in reliance on this information.