Lee Davenport

Lee Davenport

By Lee Davenport

What were your sales goals last year?
I… I didn’t have any.

Were you happy with your sales results?
No, I wanted to sell more!

What are your sales goals this year?
I… I don’t have any.

How are you going to have a better sales year?
I’m so frustrated because I just don’t know!

It breaks my heart when I meet some real estate sales professionals for the first time, and this is how our conversation goes.

Most agents are selling to earn a living — to fund their children’s education, care for ailing parents, have a roof over their head, or perhaps to find financial freedom from crippling medical debt. Yet, too often I see folks busy with little or no results. I call it “losing the hamster wheel race.” This happens when you do the same business activities day in and day out with no movement. sales-plan-graphicSure, these activities keep you busy and give the illusion that you’re making strides. However, in reality, you are in the same place even after a flurry of work. If this describes you or someone on your team, know there is no shame because today can be the start of your new year.

Then there’s the “sales spaghetti method.” Do you remember that old way to test whether or not spaghetti is ready to eat? You’d throw it against the wall to see if it sticks. And it worked…for spaghetti. However, in real estate sales — where each new sales method, tech tool, or system may have a massive price — trying to see what “sticks” can destroy your effectiveness, energy, confidence, and wallet.

If you are not seeing your desired productivity, I want to encourage you to start fresh today with a plan that can salvage the rest of the year. To help, I want to offer you an exclusive item used in my one-on-one and group training sessions. Feel free to download a complimentary copy of my planning worksheet: Plan to Win the Year. It will walk you through goal-setting, identifying your strengths, connecting with your sphere, and tracking your leads.

I would love to hear from you. Give me a shout on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Google+, or by visiting LearnWithLee.Realtor. And, be sure to tell the real estate agents you know to get a copy of the 5-star rated workbook, Plan to Win!, to transform their real estate sales game plan. Here’s to your success.

Lee Davenport is an Atlanta-based real estate broker and business doctoral candidate who trains agents and brokerages on how to use today’s technology to work smarter. Join Lee’s free RE Tech Insider’s Club by visiting www.LearnWithLee.REALTOR.

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