
NAR Professional Standard Education Materials

2023-08-29T13:55:52-05:00August 29th, 2023|Uncategorized|

https://www.nar.realtor/about-nar/policies/professional-standards-and-code-of-ethics/educational-resources Posted by: Byron King on 08/29/23 (This information is only accurate as of 08/29/23. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 08/29/23 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at screaltors.org or email byron at screaltors.org) This information is not legal advice. This… Continue Reading NAR Professional Standard Education Materials

SC Ct of Appeals on HVAC Issues Post Closing

2023-08-23T16:32:26-05:00August 23rd, 2023|Uncategorized|

https://www.sccourts.org/opinions/HTMLFiles/COA/6017.pdf 6017 - Noel Owens v. Mountain Air Heating & Cooling Noel Owens appeals the circuit court's ordering granting summary judgment to Demetra Caldera and South Market Real Estate. On appeal, Owens argues the grant of summary judgment was improper because (1) the release signed on April 3, 2015, could not have released a claim… Continue Reading SC Ct of Appeals on HVAC Issues Post Closing

NAR on Safety for Agents Who Often Operate Mobile Instead of Typically Operating From the Brokerage Office

2023-08-21T13:53:58-05:00August 21st, 2023|Uncategorized|

https://www.nar.realtor/magazine/drive/are-real-estate-brokers-responsible-for-agent-safety?utm_term=A535F674-1FE5-4DE7-86BF-2B71C40DD9BA&utm_campaign=3BFA9068-DFBC-477B-BC94-C168B9A999F1&nwsltr=navnar&utm_content=8F9B343B-68DF-43CF-8659-2C49D43CC0C0 Deterrence, Information (e.g., FOREWARN), Information, Vehicle/Individual Information/Video/Photos/Devices/Equipment/Training, Check Out/In, Defense, Escape, Evasion Buy Time for Law Enforcement/Rescue, Avoid, Bring Colleague, Be Risk Aware, Be Smart, Preparation, Be Ready, Be Suspicious, Explain and Educate Safety Issues to Consumers, Be Aware of Red Flags, Regularly Review Safety Issues, Not One Solution, Use Many Solutions, Safety Can… Continue Reading NAR on Safety for Agents Who Often Operate Mobile Instead of Typically Operating From the Brokerage Office

Rental Application, If Ask About Criminal Convictions, Consider Follow Up Questions, Fair Housing

2022-03-29T10:22:05-05:00March 29th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Currently, a convicted criminal is not a stated fair housing protected class. However, some fair housing advocates sometimes argue that criminal convictions do have a negative fair housing disparate impact on certain sex, race, color, and/or national origin rental applicants based on statistics from the criminal justice system. Due to these fair housing considerations regarding… Continue Reading Rental Application, If Ask About Criminal Convictions, Consider Follow Up Questions, Fair Housing

SC Law on Private Transfer Fees

2022-03-24T10:46:43-05:00March 24th, 2022|Uncategorized|

https://www.scstatehouse.gov/sess119_2011-2012/bills/3095.htm Download This Bill in Microsoft Word format A106, R113, H3095 STATUS INFORMATION General Bill Sponsors: Reps. Clemmons, Erickson, Stavrinakis, McCoy, Bowen, Sandifer, Whitmire, Hixon, J.R. Smith, Allison, Long, Toole, Weeks, Atwater, Hardwick, Agnew, Govan and Bales Document Path: l:\council\bills\agm\18222ab11.docx Introduced in the House on January 11, 2011 Introduced in the Senate on February 3,… Continue Reading SC Law on Private Transfer Fees

NAR on Website Demand Letters (ADA, Fair Housing, WCAG)

2021-04-26T13:55:17-05:00April 26th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Almost all REALTORS® have websites. There are some sight-impaired complainants represented by law firms who assert that certain websites that are non-compliant with sight-impaired access technology (e.g., WCAG 2.0) are violating ADA laws and Fair Housing laws. Recommend that your technology staff audits your website for sight-impaired access (e.g., compliance with WCAG 2.0). Please alert… Continue Reading NAR on Website Demand Letters (ADA, Fair Housing, WCAG)

Richland County Taking Rental Assistance Applications (April 5)

2021-04-12T12:58:54-05:00April 12th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Federal Money for rental assistance (e.g., tenants, landlords) available now. 6 large SC counties are administering their federal rental assistance. SC Housing is administering federal rental assistance for the other counties. SCR CEO Nick Kremydas plans to interview the program director at SC Housing on their federal rental assistance program on Friday. http://www.richlandcountysc.gov/ https://www.wistv.com/2021/03/29/richland-co-announces-phone-online-portal-rental-assistance-program/ https://www.wltx.com/article/money/rental-assistance-program-richland-county-south-carolina/101-55c49260-8600-4be9-ae30-205fd4b79a99… Continue Reading Richland County Taking Rental Assistance Applications (April 5)

Rental Assistance from Feds for Tenants and Landlords back to March 2020

2021-04-12T09:07:12-05:00April 12th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Rental assistance money for tenants and landlords from the feds. https://www.postandcourier.com/business/sc-has-346m-to-help-with-overdue-rent-and-utility-bills-heres-how-to-get/article_4d4f45de-9882-11eb-9924-57aac6e55df1.html Keep a lookout for more info in the SCR e-newletters in the near future! Please send your rental assistance success stories to SCR (e.g., landlords, tenants). 6 large SC counties will administer the money. The other SC counties that did not qualify for population… Continue Reading Rental Assistance from Feds for Tenants and Landlords back to March 2020

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