Legal FAQs

NAR Posts FAQs on the CCP MLS Updates Announced Today

2025-03-25T15:05:28-05:00March 25th, 2025|Legal FAQs| This information is only accurate as of 3/25/25. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 3/25/25 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or email byron at This information is not legal advice. This information is intended only to provide… Continue Reading NAR Posts FAQs on the CCP MLS Updates Announced Today

SCR Forms Policy 3/25/25

2025-03-25T10:43:01-05:00March 25th, 2025|Legal FAQs|

South Carolina Association of REALTORS® (SCR) Forms Policy Permitted users of SCR’s standard forms SCR standard forms should only be used by REALTOR® members of the South Carolina Association of Realtors®. Revisions to format/pre-printed language of a standard form by user Revisions to the format or pre-printed content of any standard forms are prohibited. Permitted… Continue Reading SCR Forms Policy 3/25/25

NAR Legal: News on MLS CCP Clear Cooperation Policy Updates Coming Soon

2025-03-25T10:20:05-05:00March 25th, 2025|Legal FAQs|

NAR Introduces New MLS Policy to Expand Choice for Consumers Today we are announcing the results of the National Association of REALTORS®’ thorough assessment of the Clear Cooperation Policy (“CCP”) and options to enhance consumers’ flexibility and choice in the marketing of their properties. After many months of analysis and deliberation across the industry—including MLS… Continue Reading NAR Legal: News on MLS CCP Clear Cooperation Policy Updates Coming Soon

FinCEN BOI News for 3/24/25 – The Rule Does Not Apply to USA Companies Nor USA CItizens

2025-03-24T12:15:18-05:00March 24th, 2025|Legal FAQs| Only foreign companies have to file. The rule does not apply to any US companies or any US persons. You can read full press release from the US Treasury here: This information is only accurate as of 3/24/25. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 3/24/25 as laws… Continue Reading FinCEN BOI News for 3/24/25 – The Rule Does Not Apply to USA Companies Nor USA CItizens

​ ​ ​(H) If trust funds are held outside a licensee’s brokerage firm, the licensee remains obligated to en sure that the trust funds are timely and properly delivered to the trust fund agent as stated in the contract.

2025-03-24T07:28:04-05:00March 24th, 2025|Legal FAQs|

(H) If trust funds are held outside a licensee's brokerage firm, the licensee remains obligated to ensure that the trust funds are timely and properly delivered to the trust fund agent as stated in the contract. Properly check on earnest money, security deposits, trust funds, etc, are timely and properly delivered (e.g., law firm, lawyer,… Continue Reading ​ ​ ​(H) If trust funds are held outside a licensee’s brokerage firm, the licensee remains obligated to en sure that the trust funds are timely and properly delivered to the trust fund agent as stated in the contract.

SC Laws on Cremated Remains (Fed EPA/NatlParks have Regs)

2025-03-20T15:01:44-05:00March 20th, 2025|Legal FAQs|

SECTION 32-8-345.Crematory authority or licensed funeral establishments responsibility for the final disposition of the cremated remains. (A) The agent or a licensed funeral establishment or crematory authority is responsible for the final disposition of the cremated remains. (B) Cremated remains may be disposed of by placing in a grave, crypt, niche, by scattering them in… Continue Reading SC Laws on Cremated Remains (Fed EPA/NatlParks have Regs)

Sample of What to Say When a Listed Seller Contacts You About their Listing with Another Brokerage

2025-03-20T09:29:54-05:00March 20th, 2025|Legal FAQs|

As you can imagine when the shoe is on the other foot and one of your seller clients starts interacting with other brokerages and agents (which is likely a seller breach of your listing agreement), there is risk for you all in this situation. So, be very careful. Call the hotline asap! Maybe something like...… Continue Reading Sample of What to Say When a Listed Seller Contacts You About their Listing with Another Brokerage

NAR: Protecting Your Client’s Negotiation Leverage: Real Estate Safety Tips

2025-03-19T15:29:40-05:00March 19th, 2025|Legal FAQs| Protecting Your Client’s Negotiation Leverage: Real Estate Safety Tips Host Tracey Hawkins delves into the critical role of negotiation leverage in real estate transactions, focusing on how to protect your client’s interests at the negotiating table. Joined by experts Matthew Rathbun and Amy Steele, discover key strategies to avoid common pitfalls, safeguard your client's… Continue Reading NAR: Protecting Your Client’s Negotiation Leverage: Real Estate Safety Tips

FHA IPC, 3rd Party Contributions, Underwriting, NAR Persuades FHA

2025-03-19T09:48:19-05:00March 19th, 2025|Legal FAQs| This information is only accurate as of 3/19/25. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 3/19/25 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or email byron at This information is not legal advice. This information is intended only to provide… Continue Reading FHA IPC, 3rd Party Contributions, Underwriting, NAR Persuades FHA

Become a SCR Mediator, Attend the NAR Mediation School (2.5 days)

2025-03-19T08:17:57-05:00March 19th, 2025|Legal FAQs|

NAR announcing that registration for their mediation school will open this summer for the fall class. Attend the NAR Mediation School in Chicago (a 2.5 day course). Save the Date! The 2025 Mediator/Mediation Training will occur on September 3, 4, and 5 in downtown Chicago at NAR Headquarters. Registration will open in early Summer… Continue Reading Become a SCR Mediator, Attend the NAR Mediation School (2.5 days)

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