Flood Insurance at Midnight September 30 into October 1
FEMA Townhall Recording: https://www.nar.realtor/videos/nar-town-hall-featuring-fema-senior-executive-david-maurstad FEMA Townhall FAQ: https://www.nar.realtor/national-flood-insurance-program/faq-fema-risk-rating-2-0-townhall NAR Rating2.0 Landing Page: https://www.nar.realtor/national-flood-insurance-program/fema-risk-rating-2-0-equity-in-action. The SC based flood insurance expert who has worked with many including SCR and NAR: Lisa Sharrard, CFM ANFI, CPM Agent/Owner Choice Flood Insurance LLC PO Box 290666 Columbia SC 29229 Office: (803) 865-4297 Mobile: (803)730-8626 Carolina Flood Solutions LLC dba as… Continue Reading Flood Insurance at Midnight September 30 into October 1