
About Byron King

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So far Byron King has created 13 blog entries.

Recently Updated & Proposed Changes to SCR Forms

2017-09-18T12:20:35-05:00September 18th, 2017|Legal FAQs|

SCR released new versions of the forms listed below on September 1, 2017. This mid year change was primarily a risk management change to the earnest money language. You can view the changes as highlighted by clicking the links below: Recently Updated Forms: SCR310: AGREEMENT/CONTRACT: TO BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE (RESIDENTIAL) SCR311: DUE DILIGENCE [...]

How to Start the Business Day Count?

2017-12-08T16:13:57-05:00August 1st, 2017|Legal FAQs|

SCR forms committee does not want REALTORS® and parties bickering if a contract was accepted and delivered and received at 9:59 am or 10:00 am or 10:01 am. So, always look to the next not look at a contract formed at 9 am then counting forward an hour later at 10 am. Contract language. (D) “Effective Date” - the final date upon [...]

What if Your Seller Client Directs You to Conceal a Property Defect?

2017-08-01T15:20:14-05:00August 1st, 2017|Legal FAQs|

Don't conceal. The laws and ethics do not favor concealing property defects from future purchasers. The seller agrees by signing the SCR residential listing agreement to disclose (e.g. seller disclosure, RPCDS).  A seller breach of the listing agreement (non disclosure) allows brokerage to sue the seller for full commission and brokerage's attorney fees. Your ethics [...]

How to deal with Earnest Money

2017-07-10T16:17:09-05:00July 10th, 2017|Legal FAQs|

Due to risks from LLR, any BIC should only disburse held good funds earnest money per these two recommendations: A disbursement agreement signed by all the buyers and all the sellers.   Can self settle (split the money somehow) or use a mediator to assist with self settlement. A court order from a court of [...]

How to Use Due Diligence Correctly

2017-07-10T16:16:26-05:00July 10th, 2017|Legal FAQs|

The Legal Hotline is getting reports that buyer reps are not using DUE DILIGENCE correctly.  This can increase the risks for the buyers rep to get sued, face ethics charges, and face license law violations. While there is no way to force a seller to respond to the repair request in DUE DILIGENCE (SCR311 due diligence addendum attached to [...]

Notice about changes to the LLR updates the Seller Disclosure…SCR updates SCR230 (Seller Disclosure)

2017-07-10T16:15:27-05:00July 10th, 2017|Legal FAQs|

LLR updated Residential Property Condition Disclosure Statement to account for license law defining "material adverse facts" which must be disclosed even if seller's refuse to disclose.  Always best for listing brokerages to strongly persuade seller's to disclose on the seller disclosure.  SCR listing agreements require seller disclosure. The new license law carves down the broad "material fact" which case law defined as basically [...]

Why is the SCR definition of Business Days unusual?

2017-07-10T16:14:36-05:00July 10th, 2017|Legal FAQs|

The SCR forms committee wanted to make it virtually impossible for parties and REALTORS® to put a deadline on a day that makes it hard to comply with contractual requirements. So, the SCR310 Business Day is defined in common terms...Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. But, there are some common holidays that can fall on [...]

Commonly Forgotten SCR Residential Addendum

2017-07-10T16:13:35-05:00July 10th, 2017|Legal FAQs|

SCR391 - this addendum is a great addition to every contract!  Use SCR391 to shift the burden to provide deed restrictions to the seller.  Surveys are a great risk management tool and SCR391 covers survey issues and who orders/pays.  Always use SCR391 for beachfront property to get the beachfront disclosures into the contract per state law.  [...]

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