Data, technology, yoga, Cubs, nature, listings, moving, travel, and amenities.

What applications do you see for this beyond entertainment?

Would you use the augmented reality feature now available on

One step forward, two steps back.

We bet the German language has a word for the satisfying feeling of watching things like this in slow motion.

This is a fitness trend we can get behind.

A deeper look at everyone’s favorite chocolate hazelnut spread. Dorte 2008 Dorte/flickr/2008

For a day, it was the [W] House.

Here’s a video to haunt your dreams. You’re welcome.

Take a look at the most expensive listing ever in America.

Surprisingly, there has only been a process in place for this since the 60s.

It’s a good thing this is on the horizon because American Airlines is making a paradigm shift.

The first place we’ll go is this hotel in Portugal, but once we become more proficient in SCUBA we will go here.

We love amenities.

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