Phubbing, fake news, multitasking, chocolate, crime, tips, procrastination, and lights.
How often do you check your phone in your significant other’s presence, and have you thought about how that makes your SO feel?
Fake news is a thing, so here are steps to help discern fact from fiction. Now Facebook has a plan to combat fake news, as well.
If increased productivity doesn’t impress them, maybe calling it “unitasking” will convince people that it’s a fancy skill.
Good news for the chocolate lovers in our audience. LongitudeLatitude/flickr/2013
We question this guy’s choices on so many different levels.
If you want to give holiday tips, but are unsure of what’s appropriate, use this handy infographic.
A Star Wars themed distraction to help you procrastinate taking the Code of Ethics training (due by 12/31!).
Here’s a great idea for those of you uninterested in keeping up with the Jones. On the other hand…
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