By recommending that buyers hire proper swimming pool inspectors either pre-offer or during SCR310 due diligence, buyers ignore that recommendation at their own legal and personal peril.
Pool condition, leaks, drain dangers, electrical dangers, heater operation, lifespan, filter/pump conditions, permits, proper construction, safety, alarms, child/pet/animal proofing, fencing, gates, water conditions, compliance, surface around pool issues, pool equipment, safety equipment, lighting, landscaping, associated spa, fountains, costs, maintenance contracts, legal issues, permitting, construction issues, inspection access, inspection issues (e.g., how to test heater in summertime, de-winterizing, filling), utilities costs, pool furnishings (e.g., vacuum, chairs, covery, tubes, bulbs, chemicals, net, arm, lifesaving equipment, alarms, play toys, enclosed pool issues, above ground pool issues, in ground pool issues, environmental issues, costs, age), etc can be issues for the pool inspectors to investigate.

Is a license now required for residential Swimming Pools?

Yes. The construction, service, and repair of residential swimming pools has been added to the General Contractors-Specialty Swimming Pools classification. A General Contractor license with the Swimming Pools classification or a Residential Builder license from the S.C. Residential Builders Commission is now required to construct, service, or repair any residential pool when the total cost of construction meets the statutory cost threshold for licensure, $10,000.,Yes.,Builder%20license%20from%20the%20S.C.

Posted by: Byron King on 07/20/23 (This information is only accurate as of 07/20/23. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 07/20/23 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or email byron at

This information is not legal advice. This information is intended only to provide general information and may not be relied upon as specific legal guidance. Legal counsel should always be consulted before acting in reliance on this information.