
Jason Lutz

REALTOR® Magazine is letting people know about a sponsor webinar on how to make better use of Facebook and other social media sites in your business. Below is a description of what you’ll learn by Jason Lutz, COO of REsocialbot, the webinar’s presenter:

Social media marketing: Why it’s never worked for you in the past and how you can change it in 6-minutes flat.

We’ve all heard about people using Facebook and other social media outlets to drum up a significant amount of business, but who are these people and more importantly how do they do it?
REsob logo
You’ve probably seen or even used systems that auto-post new listings to your social media. As you know, the postings rarely result in a deal and they certainly don’t elevate you as a true professional. Simply put, they might help with a listing presentation, but they won’t help build your business.

In this 30-minute web class I’ll show you exactly how to get more followers, shares, likes and most importantly buyers and seller with no effort. Our system takes about 6-minutes to setup. Once you’re done, you’ll never have to mess with your social media for business ever again AND you’ll get more referrals than ever before.

The 30-minute webinar is Nov. 17, at 11 a.m., Pacific time.


REALTOR® Magazine is letting people know about the event because it believes it could contain ideas real estate professionals will find useful in their business but it was not involved in the development of the content and it doesn’t endorse the webinar.


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