On Tuesday May 14th, Amanda Riggs, Research Survey Analyst, presented the results of the 2019 REALTORS® and Sustainability Report to the Sustainability Advisory Group at the 2019 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings and Expo.


The report was started in 2017, and the goal was to survey NAR members on their knowledge and interaction with sustainability practices in their real estate businesses. This is the third iteration of the report.  The survey was sent to 122,035 NAR members in March 2019 and received 6,047 responses for a 4.96 percent response rate.

Sixty-nine percent of residential respondents stated that energy efficiency promotion in listings was either very or somewhat valuable, and of those members who replied that their MLS has green data fields, 35% reported they used the fields to promote green features.

Twenty-five out of 40 members of the Sustainability Advisory Group have been appointed by other committees or advisory groups, and so embody a wide representation from leadership and areas in real estate like Appraisers, Multiple Listing Service representatives, Association Executives, and Government Affairs Directors.

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