Earlier this week, during an address to the Mortgage Bankers Association 2018 Annual Conference in Washington, D.C, Treasury Department Secretary Deputy Craig Phillips reiterated a Trump administration priority to end the conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
NAR President Elizabeth Mendenhall, a sixth-generation Realtor® from Columbia, Missouri and CEO of RE/MAX Boone Realty, issued the following statement in response.
“Realtors® applaud the administration’s calls to end conservatorship while maintaining an explicit government guarantee as NAR continues to support a methodical, measured approach to GSE reform that will put the secondary mortgage market on the path to sustainability. As this process continues, we urge policymakers in Washington to prioritize reforms that ensure broad access, provide liquidity to the national market, and promote stability in the housing market, particularly during times of economic distress. NAR looks forward to furthering these discussions with the administration as we work to secure the necessary, common sense market reforms that will benefit our broader economy.”
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