Sure. Mindset, Method, & Metrics: Winning As A Modern Real Estate Agent (RockPaperStar Press, 2016) is a pragmatic guide to launching a real estate career.

GaborfromHungary, Morguefile

GaborfromHungary, Morguefile

Yes, it’s written in a breezy, conversational tone that makes for easy consumption. It’s comprehensive, stopping to define common terms such as “sphere of influence” and “sales funnel” for those who may be too afraid to ask. (This is important in the sometimes jargon-filled world of real estate writing.)

But also, authors Brandon Doyle, Nick Dreher, and Marshall Saunders share personal reflections and make note of truths you don’t hear as often, such as this: “The power to succinctly put your thoughts down in writing is the most overlooked and underappreciated tool in the business world.” Yes please, and thank you.

Honestly though, these guys really got me before the book began, with their dedication. Because I know you’re going to love it too, I’m just going to reprint it in whole. I think this gives you the best indication of the authors’ motivation (emphasis mine):

We dedicate this book to the real estate agent.

You are the bedrock of entrepreneurialism. You demonstrate every day the very best of self-reliance, hard work, and customer service. You rate below politicians and used car salespeople in every poll of “who do you trust,” yet you soldier on, knowing that the vast majority of your potential clients think they know more about real estate than you do.

When the economy is good, your job is seen as superfluous and your advice of restraint is ignored. When the economy is bad, you are blamed for the unrestrained greed that led all the lemmings off the cliff.

You work when everyone else has time off, and then you work while everyone else is at work. Your job does not end at 6 p.m. It doesn’t even end when you’re asleep at night.

Your job never stops…until it stops. When the phone stops ringing and the buyers stop buying and the sellers stop selling, you are out of an income. Not out of work, just out of an income. Then you pray and work as hard as you can to get back to the point where you’re working around the clock to please your clients and jumping right back on the hamster wheel.

You are the ultimate paradox. You want to be less busy and pulled in a thousand directions, and then the moment you get that break you so desperately wanted, you panic that you’re going out of business.

You’ve sat at the kitchen table listing presentation and heard stories of bankruptcy, foreclosure, divorce, marriage, kids and retirement. The people across the table have cried, laughed, said awful things about you and your business, had totally unrealistic expectations…in other words, they have been totally and completely human, and you’ve seen it all.

We’ve been there. We understand. To you, we dedicate this book.

Yes. Now that’s what we in the biz call “understanding your audience.”

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