Once in a while you might get an email that looks like it’s from NAR but really isn’t. Like so many other phishing scams, these emails try to look like they’re official correspondence from a trusted source so they can get one of two things from you: personal data or credit card info.
How do you know if it’s really from NAR? Here are a few ways to check.
First, look at the return email address. If it says something like, “NAR-yahoo.com,” it’s not from NAR. NAR email only comes from the realtors.org address. Second, hover your cursor over any file attachments or links or buttons. When you do that, a box will open that provides the location of the file. If it’s from NAR, the path will make that clear. If it’s not, it will consist of all sorts of baffling letters and numbers, because the sender is using obscure platforms.
It’s also helpful to know NAR never asks for donations on behalf of individuals. Any donations it seeks is through the REALTORS® Relief Foundation and these are for broad causes, like relief after a tornado, hurricane, fire, or earthquake.
Tips for identifying scams that try to exploit NAR are in the latest Voice for Real Estate news video. The video walks you through what to look for and also points to resources at nar.realtor to get more detailed guidance.
The video also looks at why the latest moves by the Federal Reserve could help home sales just as the spring weather arrives, what steps Congress can take to ease affordability woes home buyers are facing, and what competitive factors are brokerage firms facing today.
The video also looks at NAR’s new national ad campaign, which puts the focus on how the Code of Ethics differentiates real estate agents from REALTORS®.
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