One tool the Northern Virginia Association of REALTOR® uses to help its members succeed is NAR’s Profile of Home Buyers ad Sellers. This year marks the annual report’s 35th anniversary, and to note the occasion, Ryan Conrad, NVAR’s CEO, sat down to talk about how his association uses the data and
graphs in the report to help its members understand today’s consumers, both on the buyer side and the seller side. That’s especially important now that millennials have become such an important consumer presence in the market. rc

Conrad says his association uses the data in its magazine and in outreach to the press. It also uses it as material for educational sessions. “What I like most about the report is the value the research provides to add context to our presentations at sales meetings and community events,” he says. “My staff and I use the data to help our members stay on top of market stats and to ensure our association remains a reliable source of information for them, for the media, and for the community.”

Conrad talks about the report in a one-minute video. 

Other association executives and brokers talk about the report as well in another short video:


More on the Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers.

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