During the Holiday season, homeowners and renters alike are hosting gatherings for family and friends at their residences. Among these gatherings and with the holiday spirit in mind, NAR broke down the frequency at which homeowners and renters host gatherings at their homes by tenure, and also the frequency of gatherings at home by location.

According to NAR’s recent Homeownership Opportunities and Market Experience (HOME) Survey, those who own their home tend to host more gatherings than those who rent. Also, individuals who live in rural areas are just as likely to host gatherings as those in suburban areas.

Below are statistics from the Survey that give a closer look.

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NAR’s Homeownership Opportunities and Market Experience (HOME) Survey, which was created to monitor consumer sentiment about the housing market. It covers core topics that will be tracked on a monthly basis such as views on housing as a good financial investment, whether homeownership is part of the American Dream, if now is a good time to buy or sell a home and perception of home price changes.

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