When deciding on a home to purchase, recent buyers took into consideration a variety of different environmental features. The feature that was most important to buyers was heating and cooling costs. Eighty-four percent of recent buyers found heating and cooling costs to be at least somewhat important when deciding on a home to purchase. Thirty-three percent of buyers found heating and cooling costs to be very important. Using data from the 2016 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, we can see which buyers find heating and cooling costs most important.

  • Buyers in the Northeast (35%) and the South (37%) were more likely than other regions to find heating and cooling costs to be very important.
  • Heating and cooling costs were more important to buyers who purchased newer homes.
  • Only twenty-nine percent of buyers who purchased a home built between 2001 and 1987 or 1960 and 1913 found heating and cooling costs to be very important, compared to 49 percent of buyers whose home was built in 2015.
  • Eighty-three percent of all buyers purchased a detached single-family home, which was typically a median of 1,900 square feet.
  • Seventy-nine percent of buyers who found heating and cooling costs very important purchased previously owned homes.

View the 2016 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers and the Heating your Home for the Holidays infographic.

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