By Seth Price, digital marketing specialist and vice president of industry relations for Placester

Do you consider yourself to have a great personal brand? Would you buy a house from yourself? If you hesitate in answering those questions, it’s time to take a deeper look at your personal brand. People still like to do business with those they know, like, and trust. And, if you’re not paying close attention to your reputation signals, you could be missing out.

In real estate, your personal brand is more important than ever. Word of mouth and “word of mouse” can make the difference between obscurity and a million-dollar listing. In research for my new book, The Road to Recognition, I interviewed over 250 successful personal branders, from Gary Vaynerchuk and Chris Smith to Brad Inman and Ben Bacal. You may have heard of Ben; he’s one of the top REALTORS® in the U.S. and sold more than $400,000,000 in real estate last year with a team of just six.

What I discovered in my research turned out to be a surprisingly simple road map for building a personal brand. If you want the best personal branding tips in one place, then you’ll LOVE this infographic.

Personal Branding A to Z Infographic


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