Legal FAQs

May 2nd, LLR Renewals Open

2022-05-02T15:28:19-05:00May 2nd, 2022|Legal FAQs| Renewals 2022 Real Estate Renewals will open on May 2, 2022. IMPORTANT NOTE FOR 2022 RENEWALS: Salespersons, Brokers/BIC's and Property Managers/PMIC's renewing as "Active" or reactivating after 2022 renewal will be required to have a fingerprint based background check. Instructions were emailed to all licensees with a June 30, 2022 expiration date. If you… Continue Reading May 2nd, LLR Renewals Open

FEMA Grants – Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program

2022-05-02T10:56:23-05:00May 2nd, 2022|Legal FAQs|

The Fiscal Year 2022 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the FEMA National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP), Individual State Earthquake Assistance (ISEA) and Multi-State and National Earthquake Assistance (MSNEA) grants are now on In addition to detailing eligibility and submission requirements, these funding opportunities provide a program overview including objectives, priorities and allowable… Continue Reading FEMA Grants – Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program

SCR310 Due Diligence Video (broadcast 4/28/2022)

2022-04-28T15:47:58-05:00April 28th, 2022|Legal FAQs| The SCR forms update is currently scheduled for June 13, 2022. Posted by: Byron King on 04/28/22 (This information is only accurate as of 04/28/22. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 04/28/22 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or… Continue Reading SCR310 Due Diligence Video (broadcast 4/28/2022)

Thoughts on the NAR COEAM and Filing “Solid” Ethics Complaints…

2022-04-21T10:33:33-05:00April 21st, 2022|Legal FAQs|

Titled excerpts below from the NAR COEAM (Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual): Thoughts on how to file a "solid" ethics complaint: ...educating the Professional Standards Committee members as to the role of the grievance committee as outlined in Section 18, for example. It might also be helpful if potential complainants are given Appendix X… Continue Reading Thoughts on the NAR COEAM and Filing “Solid” Ethics Complaints…

Fair Housing News in Fair Housing Month of April

2022-04-12T08:28:53-05:00April 12th, 2022|Legal FAQs| HUD No. 22-060 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Tuesday April 5, 2022 HUD MAKES ADDITIONAL $3.3 MILLION IN AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN FUNDS AVAILABLE TO FIGHT HOUSING DISCRIMINATION RELATED TO THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced on Tuesday that it is making an… Continue Reading Fair Housing News in Fair Housing Month of April

NAR Appraisal News

2022-04-11T12:39:58-05:00April 11th, 2022|Legal FAQs|

FANNIE MAE ADOPTS APPRAISAL STANDARD FOR SQUARE FOOTAGEAppraisers will be required to use a new Measuring Standard for measuring, calculating, and reporting gross living area (GLA) and non-GLA areas of subject properties for appraisals requiring interior and exterior inspections with effective dates of April 1, 2022 or later on loans sold to Fannie Mae. Historically,… Continue Reading NAR Appraisal News

Supreme Court and Floorplans

2022-04-07T13:53:37-05:00April 7th, 2022|Legal FAQs| Posted by: Byron King on 04/07/22 (This information is only accurate as of 04/07/22. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 04/07/22 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or email byron at This information is not legal advice. This… Continue Reading Supreme Court and Floorplans

An Offer and Multiple Offers and Possibly Highest and Best Terms Offer Procedures

2022-04-07T08:24:19-05:00April 7th, 2022|Legal FAQs|

Generally, the residential resale seller decides on issues such as timely and properly rejecting offers (SCR314), accepting an offer, counter offering an offer, communicating and utilizing highest and best terms offer procedures, not utilizing highest and best terms offer procedures, communicating information, complying with fair housing laws. In general and for fair housing reasons, a… Continue Reading An Offer and Multiple Offers and Possibly Highest and Best Terms Offer Procedures

NCREC Disciplines Listing Agent for Not Pulling Septic Permit on BR Count

2022-04-06T08:16:45-05:00April 6th, 2022|Legal FAQs|

NCREC Disciplines Listing Agent for Not Pulling Septic Permit on BR Count NCREC disciplines a NC listing agent for listing an incorrect bedroom count of 5 when the septic permit was for a 3 bedroom system home. NC trial lawyers for the harmed NC buyers might use this NCREC required duty on a listing agent… Continue Reading NCREC Disciplines Listing Agent for Not Pulling Septic Permit on BR Count

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