Legal FAQs

EPA Lead RRP and Property Managers

2022-09-27T12:54:18-05:00September 27th, 2022|Legal FAQs| Posted by: Byron King on 09/27/22 (This information is only accurate as of 09/27/22. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 09/27/22 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or email byron at This information is not legal advice. This [...]

EPA Environmental Info for SC

2022-09-27T12:49:22-05:00September 27th, 2022|Legal FAQs| Posted by: Byron King on 09/27/22 (This information is only accurate as of 09/27/22. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 09/27/22 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or email byron at This information is not legal advice. This [...]

EPA Renovations, Repair, Painting…Lead Hazards

2022-09-26T16:18:20-05:00September 26th, 2022|Legal FAQs|

Texas REALTORS® and EPA video: Posted by: Byron King on 09/26/22 (This information is only accurate as of 09/26/22. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 09/26/22 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or email byron at This information [...]

SCR310 Due Diligence Article

2022-09-26T12:56:44-05:00September 26th, 2022|Legal FAQs| Posted by: Byron King on 09/26/22 (This information is only accurate as of 09/26/22. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 09/26/22 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or email byron at This information is not legal advice. This [...]

Cyber Hotline for Local Associations

2022-09-26T11:48:42-05:00September 26th, 2022|Legal FAQs|

Local Association Cyber Hotline (Chubb Insurance) 800-817-2665 Chubb Insurance via NAR: Justin.Rose NAR insurance staff liaison: Deanne Rymarowicz <> NAR video on cyber security Posted by: Byron King on 09/26/22 (This information is only accurate as of 09/26/22. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 09/26/22 as laws and [...]

SC Attorney General: How REALTORS(R) can use term “value” in BPO, CMA…RPR

2022-09-22T09:56:36-05:00September 22nd, 2022|Legal FAQs|

SC Attorney General Office Opinion: How REALTORS® can use term "value" in BPO, CMA...RPR This SC AG opinion letter discusses a cease and desist letter sent to a real estate licensee from LLR SC Appraisers Board regarding the use of the term "value" in an RPR report. Posted by: Byron King on 09/22/22 (This [...]

September is REALTOR(R) Safety Month

2022-09-09T10:07:42-05:00September 9th, 2022|Legal FAQs|

Media report an alleged attack on a real estate agent in Warrenton SC. Local law enforcement states that your mobile phone is one of your best defenses to call and then use avoidance, escape, and evasion to buy time for law enforcement to react to your 911 call. Give directions based on landmarks to [...]

Ethics Case # 8-1 … You Decide!

2022-09-07T11:23:01-05:00September 7th, 2022|Legal FAQs|

Ethics Case 8-1 You decide! Case #8-1: Failure to Put Deposit in Separate Account NAR Code of Ethics Article #8 REALTOR® A, a listing broker, obtained a signed offer to purchase, together with Buyer C’s check for $10,000 as an earnest money deposit. Buyer C’s offer was subject to the sale of his [...]

To LLR Report the Unauthorized Practice of Real Estate

2022-09-06T14:04:57-05:00September 6th, 2022|Legal FAQs|

To LLR Report the Unauthorized Practice of Real Estate: LLR on Wholesaling and License Law: Posted by: Byron King on 09/06/22 (This information is only accurate as of 09/06/22. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 09/06/22 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or [...]

Insurance, Review

2022-09-01T10:08:49-05:00September 1st, 2022|Legal FAQs|

SCR has received reports from members suggesting that everyone needs to review their insurance periodically with their insurance providers, especially homeowners insurance regarding inflationary pressures that may have increased the real world cost to replace a home in the event that catastrophic damage occurs to the home. Other insurance to review, earthquake, flood, health, life, [...]

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