Legal FAQs

Swimming Pools!

2023-07-20T14:33:07-05:00July 20th, 2023|Legal FAQs|

By recommending that buyers hire proper swimming pool inspectors either pre-offer or during SCR310 due diligence, buyers ignore that recommendation at their own legal and personal peril. Pool condition, leaks, drain dangers, electrical dangers, heater operation, lifespan, filter/pump conditions, permits, proper construction, safety, alarms, child/pet/animal proofing, fencing, gates, water conditions, compliance, surface around pool issues,… Continue Reading Swimming Pools!

NAR’s Ai Homepage

2023-07-17T08:10:39-05:00July 17th, 2023|Legal FAQs| Posted by: Byron King on 07/17/23 (This information is only accurate as of 07/17/23. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 07/17/23 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or email byron at This information is not legal advice. This… Continue Reading NAR’s Ai Homepage

NAR on Using Ai in your Business

2023-07-17T07:50:45-05:00July 17th, 2023|Legal FAQs| Posted by: Byron King on 07/17/23 (This information is only accurate as of 07/17/23. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 07/17/23 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or email byron at This information is not legal advice. This… Continue Reading NAR on Using Ai in your Business

Ai News, Mortgage Chatbot

2023-07-17T07:37:56-05:00July 17th, 2023|Legal FAQs| Posted by: Byron King on 07/17/23 (This information is only accurate as of 07/17/23. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 07/17/23 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or email byron at This information is not legal advice. This… Continue Reading Ai News, Mortgage Chatbot

NAR Video on Antitrust for Associations

2023-07-11T14:29:19-05:00July 11th, 2023|Legal FAQs| Posted by: Byron King on 07/11/23 (This information is only accurate as of 07/11/23. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 07/11/23 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or email byron at This information is not legal advice. This… Continue Reading NAR Video on Antitrust for Associations

Safety at Conferences

2023-07-11T11:41:17-05:00July 11th, 2023|Legal FAQs|

Be professional. You are at a professional event. Act the part. Dress the part. Behave the part. You may want to make professional contacts for future business and referrals. You may want to take on association leadership positions. Other association leaders are likely watching and evaluating you. Don't harass. Harassment can include unwanted sexual advances,… Continue Reading Safety at Conferences

NAR’s 5 Must Watch Legal Videos, Especially for New Members!

2023-07-11T08:51:41-05:00July 11th, 2023|Legal FAQs| Posted by: Byron King on 07/11/23 (This information is only accurate as of 07/11/23. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 07/11/23 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or email byron at This information is not legal advice. This… Continue Reading NAR’s 5 Must Watch Legal Videos, Especially for New Members!

SC Sup Ct on Folly Beach Merger, Not Takings

2023-07-10T13:44:05-05:00July 10th, 2023|Legal FAQs| Posted by: Byron King on 07/10/23 (This information is only accurate as of 07/10/23. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 07/10/23 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or email byron at This information is not legal advice. This… Continue Reading SC Sup Ct on Folly Beach Merger, Not Takings

NAR: Hot Topics for Brokers, Risk Management Issues

2023-07-10T13:37:14-05:00July 10th, 2023|Legal FAQs| Posted by: Byron King on 07/10/23 (This information is only accurate as of 07/10/23. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 07/10/23 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or email byron at This information is not legal advice. This… Continue Reading NAR: Hot Topics for Brokers, Risk Management Issues

NAR Property Management Case News

2023-07-10T13:34:57-05:00July 10th, 2023|Legal FAQs| Posted by: Byron King on 07/10/23 (This information is only accurate as of 07/10/23. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 07/10/23 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at or email byron at This information is not legal advice. This… Continue Reading NAR Property Management Case News

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