Michael Crist

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So far Michael Crist has created 4221 blog entries.

Insurance, Review

2022-09-01T10:08:49-05:00September 1st, 2022|Legal FAQs|

SCR has received reports from members suggesting that everyone needs to review their insurance periodically with their insurance providers, especially homeowners insurance regarding inflationary pressures that may have increased the real world cost to replace a home in the event that catastrophic damage occurs to the home. Other insurance to review, earthquake, flood, health, life,… Continue Reading Insurance, Review

Photographs, Be Wary of Using Unless You Took or You Have Authorization

2022-09-01T09:55:13-05:00September 1st, 2022|Legal FAQs|

Photographs on the internet/MLS are easy to cut/copy and paste. But cutting/copying and pasting photos you find on the internet/MLS can get you into trouble. Photographs are intellectual property (content) generally owned by the creator who can transfer or license ownership to others. Think about copyright law and lawsuits. If you did not take the… Continue Reading Photographs, Be Wary of Using Unless You Took or You Have Authorization

NAR on Condo Questionnaire Issues from the Feds

2022-08-31T09:01:34-05:00August 31st, 2022|Legal FAQs|

After the Surfside condo collapse, the feds created some risk management using Fannie and Freddie lending which may impact your condo deals (e.g., risk management questionnaire). Please contact SCR if you have reports of condo purchase issues related to these risk management rules (e.g., the HOA is hesitant to complete the risk management questionnaire, multistory… Continue Reading NAR on Condo Questionnaire Issues from the Feds

Current SCR Forms Policy

2022-08-30T10:05:38-05:00August 30th, 2022|Legal FAQs|

South Carolina Association of REALTORS® (SCR) Forms Policy Permitted users of SCR’s standard forms SCR standard forms should only be used by REALTOR® members of the South Carolina Association of Realtors®. Revisions to format/pre-printed language of a standard form by user Revisions to the format or pre-printed content of any standard forms are prohibited. Permitted… Continue Reading Current SCR Forms Policy

Buyers Forego Inspections at Their Own Peril!

2022-08-29T14:16:52-05:00August 29th, 2022|Legal FAQs|

SCR310 is an AS IS contract with a due diligence section and an inspection/reinspection section to allow a buyer the option to inspect the property and properly negotiate repairs or negotiate seller concessions or terminate. Also, SCR310 allows final inspections. https://screaltors.org/wp-content/uploads/Forms/310.pdf Some buyer agents recommend obtaining all inspections and the buyers decide which inspections to… Continue Reading Buyers Forego Inspections at Their Own Peril!

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