Michael Crist

About Michael Crist

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SC Attorney General: How REALTORS(R) can use term “value” in BPO, CMA…RPR

2022-09-22T09:56:36-05:00September 22nd, 2022|Legal FAQs|

SC Attorney General Office Opinion: How REALTORS® can use term "value" in BPO, CMA...RPR https://www.scag.gov/media/hajdgdum/03108184.pdf This SC AG opinion letter discusses a cease and desist letter sent to a real estate licensee from LLR SC Appraisers Board regarding the use of the term "value" in an RPR report. Posted by: Byron King on 09/22/22 (This… Continue Reading SC Attorney General: How REALTORS(R) can use term “value” in BPO, CMA…RPR

September is REALTOR(R) Safety Month

2022-09-09T10:07:42-05:00September 9th, 2022|Legal FAQs|

Media report an alleged attack on a real estate agent in Warrenton SC. https://www.nar.realtor/safety/realtor-safety-network Local law enforcement states that your mobile phone is one of your best defenses to call and then use avoidance, escape, and evasion to buy time for law enforcement to react to your 911 call. Give directions based on landmarks to… Continue Reading September is REALTOR(R) Safety Month

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