Michael Crist

About Michael Crist

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So far Michael Crist has created 4217 blog entries.

Instant Reaction: Mortgage Rates, January 5, 2023

2023-01-05T13:07:37-05:00January 5th, 2023|NAR|

Instant Reaction: Mortgage Rates, January 5, 2023 The 30-year fixed mortgage rate rose to 6.48% from 6.42% in the last week of 2022. Rates will likely stabilize below 6% in 2023 as inflation slows. By:  Nadia Evangelou Mortgage Financing Powered by WPeMatico

New CCRA Contract Forms on January 1, 2023

2023-01-17T09:50:45-05:00January 3rd, 2023|Legal FAQs|

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfcqSnLByzQ Posted by: Byron King on 1/3/23 (This information is only accurate as of 1/3/23. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 1/3/23 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at screaltors.org or email byron at screaltors.org) This information is not legal advice. This… Continue Reading New CCRA Contract Forms on January 1, 2023

Mediation News

2023-01-17T09:51:34-05:00January 3rd, 2023|Legal FAQs|

Mediator News: Attorney/mediator Karl Folkens and REALTOR® Nell Folkens are providing the SCR mediators with free Zoom mediator training. If interested, please contact byron. Thank you Karl and Nell for providing this excellent training in the past and again in 2023. [SCR staff (me, Austin, Tiara, Lindsey) can roleplay disputing people if any SCR mediators… Continue Reading Mediation News

EPA RRP lead risk management

2023-01-17T09:52:22-05:00January 3rd, 2023|Legal FAQs|

EPA link you probably already have seen: https://www.epa.gov/lead/lead-renovation-repair-and-painting-program Here's some info about the course--the initial course is a 8 hour program. https://www.epa.gov/lead/rrp-training-providers-course-information The refresher course (4 hours) must be taken every four years after the initial course. Here are 3 accredited training courses in SC--a google search provided for lots more across the US. Perhaps,… Continue Reading EPA RRP lead risk management

See Something, File Something, Statistics

2023-01-17T09:52:38-05:00December 22nd, 2022|Legal FAQs|

https://screaltors.org/fileacomplaint/ SCR statewide cooperative professional standards (ethics/arbitration) statistics 2018 - 2022. Possible reasons for complaint numbers decreasing as progress toward a hearing: Complainant never returns their complaint to be processed Awaiting a hearing Continuance Abeyance for other litigation and regulatory actions Citation offered and accepted Ethics mediation (aka ombudsman) settled Arbitration money mediation settled Self… Continue Reading See Something, File Something, Statistics

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