Michael Crist

About Michael Crist

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2024-07-08T14:43:21-05:00July 8th, 2024|Legal FAQs|

From Dirt: The EPA has expanded the reach of CERCLA. On April 19 it added two man-made chemicals, PFOA and PFOS (perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorooctane sulfonate) to the list of hazardous substances covered by CERCLA. These chemicals have been used to make non-stick coatings on cookware and protective coatings for carpets and fabrics. They have… Continue Reading EPA CERCLA Update

Seller Concessions Remain Legal AKA Seller Paid Buyer’s Transaction Costs in SCR310 Contract

2024-07-08T13:34:07-05:00July 8th, 2024|Legal FAQs|

Seller Concessions Remain Legal AKA Seller Paid Buyer's Transaction Costs in SCR310 Contract This information is only accurate as of 07/08/24. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 07/08/24 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at screaltors.org or email byron at screaltors.org) This… Continue Reading Seller Concessions Remain Legal AKA Seller Paid Buyer’s Transaction Costs in SCR310 Contract

Generative AI Is Your Ally for Smart Staging, Faster Deals

2024-07-08T13:03:18-05:00July 8th, 2024|NAR|

Generative AI Is Your Ally for Smart Staging, Selling Real estate professionals can use content sponsor AI HomeDesign to lower the costs and effort it takes to stage properties. By:  Salar Davari Staging, Real Estate Technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Real Estate, Augmented & Virtual Reality for Real Estate Powered by WPeMatico

SCR120 Compensation Agreement, the REALTOR’s Best Friend, A Haiku

2024-07-08T12:40:51-05:00July 8th, 2024|Legal FAQs|

An AI Haiku to SCR120 The Compensation Agreement Form one-twenty's grace, REALTOR's steadfast ally, Deals sealed with ease, trust. This information is only accurate as of 07/08/24. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 07/08/24 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at screaltors.org… Continue Reading SCR120 Compensation Agreement, the REALTOR’s Best Friend, A Haiku

July: BICs Check Your Licensees and Independent Contractors

2024-07-08T11:12:49-05:00July 8th, 2024|Legal FAQs|

Starting in July, BICs should be checking with LLR that all their associated licensees have an active license (e.g., renewed their license by June 30 in 2024 or 2025) and check that your independent contractor agreement and compensation agreements are updated and properly documented/executed. [Consider using a separation agreement for future planning when a licensee moves… Continue Reading July: BICs Check Your Licensees and Independent Contractors

NAR Home Finance Resource Designation

2024-07-02T10:19:24-05:00July 2nd, 2024|Legal FAQs|

https://learning.realtor/diweb/catalog/item?id=14710754&_gl=1*1sit6xs*_gcl_au*MjAyNjk4MDAyMC4xNzE1MTkwODE5*_ga*MTI2NzE0MzQ5NS4xNjczOTY2MTcy*_ga_QEF4X2SGP1*MTcxODM4NzQ4MS4xMzkuMS4xNzE4Mzg3NTAxLjQwLjAuMA. This information is only accurate as of 07/02/24. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 07/02/24 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at screaltors.org or email byron at screaltors.org) This information is not legal advice. This information is intended only to provide… Continue Reading NAR Home Finance Resource Designation

Center for REALTOR Development CRD, ABR elective courses

2024-07-02T10:17:14-05:00July 2nd, 2024|Legal FAQs|

https://crd.realtor This information is only accurate as of 07/02/24. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 07/02/24 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at screaltors.org or email byron at screaltors.org) This information is not legal advice. This information is intended only to provide… Continue Reading Center for REALTOR Development CRD, ABR elective courses

Become ABR

2024-07-02T10:15:30-05:00July 2nd, 2024|Legal FAQs|

https://become.abr.realtor This information is only accurate as of 07/01/24. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 07/01/24 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at screaltors.org or email byron at screaltors.org) This information is not legal advice. This information is intended only to provide… Continue Reading Become ABR

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