SCR310 contract’s Section 8 allows all sorts of inspections during the inspection period (e.g. home inspector, elevator inspector, pool inspector, hvac inspector, surveyor, engineer, contractor, roof expert, chimney sweep, electrician, plumber, well expert, septic expert, tree expert, soil expert, air quality inspector, asbestos expert, mold expert, radon expert, sprinkler expert, lawn expert, foundation expert, driveway expert, fencing expert, audio visual expert, security system expert, appliance expert, historic expert, flood expert, insurance expert, consultants, interior decorators, feng shui experts, private investigators).
Until the repair request is made, the number of business days in the first blank of SCR310’s Section 8 controls the contract.
The home inspector does not start the repair procedure clock. The business day clock starts on the effective date.
Even after the repair request/agreement is made, SCR310’s section 9 allows inspections through closing which covers the final walk-through inspection.
NAR ethics require complying with reasonable seller access directions such as someone must be present.
Posted by : Byron King on 10/26/18 (This information is only accurate as of 10/26/18. You must contact SCR for updates and changes to this information after 10/26/18 as laws and regulations may change over time. SCR 803-772-5206 or email info at