The new year has already started off with a bang and NAR’s Research Team has many projects in the works for our members, the media, and the general public related to the housing market. We’ve compiled a little cheat sheet below to help you navigate our resources and keep you up to date with the latest reports and statistical releases.

First, all of our Housing Statistics are released either monthly or quarterly and have a set release date. We post the dates each month on our website to provide consistency and planning predictability for our members. The release dates can be found on the 2017 NAR Statistical News Release Schedule. Included in those dates are the monthly Existing Home Sales and Pending Home Sales releases as well as the quarterly Metropolitan Home Prices and Affordability Index and Commercial Real Estate Report/Forecast.

To help you navigate how to read each statistical release, check out each page’s methodology for the definition of terms and the formulas in each calculation. If you’re not familiar with the current format, most of our housing statistics are released in national and regional medians only. We do not release state, city, or zip-code level data, with the exception of major metropolitan cities in our Metropolitan Median Home Prices and Affordability Index.

nar housing stats


If you’re just scanning our resources for the first time, you can browse our NAR Research Resource Guide 2016, which details the research reports we produced last year. You can expect many of the same major reports to be released in 2017, while a few many be bi-annual.

Generally, we release our annual reports in the same quarter each year. Our flagship reports include the NAR Profile of Home Buyers & Sellers—released in the 4th quarter of the year—provides insight into detailed information about the experiences with the home buying and selling transaction. The NAR Home Buyer & Seller Generational Trends—released in the 1st quarter of each year—examines the generational differences of home buyers and sellers. Our Investment and Vacation Home Buyer’s Survey comes out in the 2nd quarter, the Profile of International Activity in U.S. Residential Real Estate in the 3rd quarter of the year, and the Housing Opportunities and Market Experience (HOME) Survey as well as the Business Creation Index (BCI) are released quarterly.



Our economists are always digging into the research and uncovering interesting findings. We release multiple blogs a week on The Economists’ Outlook Blog. Several notable blog topics from last year include:

nar research reports


NAR Research’s Chief Economist Lawrence Yun also is a regular contributor to Forbes online. Popular articles of his include Why Winter Could The Best Season To Buy A Home, The U.S. Cities Whose Housing Markets Are Likely To Outperform And Underperform In 2016, and Why Homeownership Matters. He monitors the housing market and writes about unique developments and emerging trends.

We promote all of our housing statistics and research reports across all social media platforms to help engage our members as well as the general public. We post a variety of content, including videos, articles, and infographics on Facebook. We live tweet and Periscope events on Twitter. Our infographics are accessible in our Pinterest boards. We create a visual story encompassing all news and reports on Instagram.

All this, and much, much more! For questions on our data releases, email You can find additional explanations on our Research and Data FAQ page. All historical reports and data are located in the REALTOR® Store.

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